Interested in becoming of member of the Cadillac Area Women’s Giving Circle?

All women in the Greater Cadillac Area are eligible to join the Cadillac Area Women’s Giving Circle. Meetings are held in May and October of each year. Informal gatherings are held the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Hermann’s Restaurant.
Annual contributions of $500.00 are due from each member by January 1 of each year and made payable to the Cadillac Area Community Foundation and should be mailed to the foundation at 201 N. Mitchell St., Suite 101, Cadillac, MI 49601.
Part of each contribution ($50.00) is invested in the endowed fund of the Cadillac Area Women’s Giving Circle, which is held by the Foundation. The balance of the contribution is awarded annually for approved grants that were received by the Giving Circle.